A review by posies23
The Ice Limit by Douglas Preston


Sadly, Preston and Child take a mild mis-step with this book. For the first 9/10ths of the book there's lots of action and intrigue, and the usual mysterious-maybe-supernatural-maybe-science-gone-wrong-goings-on, but the ending comes out of nowhere and abruptly jolts the narrative to a quick conclusion.

If I had to guess, I'd say there was a sequel planned, but that it never panned out. The duo have written several more books, none of which seem to reference this one at all.

Too bad, too, because I liked the antarctic settings and the naval aspects of the book.

If you're a Preston and Child fan, this one is still worth reading, but it's not a good place for a non-fan to begin. I'd start with RELIC or THUNDERHEAD.