A review by booksandbraids
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


Initial Read-2015:
Despite looking at all the negative reviews before reading this book, I actually really liked it. I sort of started to slowly fall out of love in the last 50 pages or so, but for most of the book I really liked it. I hope I really like the next book and the rest of the series as well.  I'm going to have to take a short break because I'm on await list at the library... So hopefully that helps me like it more and does not have the opposite effect.

If I had to pick team Dorian or team Chaol, I don't know who I would pick. Both have excellent things about them. If I had to go with just a gut instinct, and nothing more, I would say I would prefer that she wind up with Chaol.

Second Read-2023:
I had first started this series back before it was finished and then I never kept up with it. Now that I’ve read the entire ACOTAR series which I thought was good but not great, I figure it is a good time to come back and revisit this series which I remember enjoying so much more than I did the ACOTAR series. 

I actually remembered nothing of this first book. I have no memory of this competition. I didn’t even remember
the love triangle aspect, which clearly goes to show I didn’t read my previous review before rereading. I think I still stand with my 2015 POV on that aspect.

But anyways, since I remember absolutely nothing, I look forward to seeing where the series goes! Again, lol.