A review by entirelybonkerz
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


I think at this point you guys just write bad reviews to books like this to “stand out” from the crowd, to call yourself “different”. So many negative reviews on this app that almost made me NOT want to pick up this trilogy. If it wasn’t for the Netflix teaser I probably wouldn’t have because all you teenagers do on good reads is “try to sound edgy and hate on things for no reason”. “Look at me I’m not like other girls, I hate things most people like.” Please... spare us. If you actually wrote a review criticizing pacing, writing, and many other writing bullet points I would give you a pass. It’s ok to not enjoy a book, or feel like it didn’t grab your attention as it was supposed to... but these bad reviews are just ridiculous and unfair.
I am not a teenager, I am officially an adult now and I can 100% recognize good writing when I see it. Leigh obviously put a lot of effort into the world building and these characters and they turned out great. I am glad a massive company like Netflix recognized that and decided to invest in it, they’re not stupid. They know a good thing when they see it. It is a YOUNG ADULT book and you should read the series with this statement in mind. I read it in a day and I had low expectations because of all of these stupid reviews you guys leave and I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised.
It is fresh, creative, surprising, beautifully crafted and I honestly did not see a single mistake when it came to writing, pacing and the plot in general. I will definitely finish the series before the Netflix show comes out and I am happy this trilogy is getting the attention it deserves. Have I read better books? Well, obviously. I’ve been reading like a maniac. That’s why I decided to give it a 4/5, its more of a personal choice of how much I related to the story than a grade for the actual book. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with this one. Great read.