A review by skyhazzard
Ninth Key by Jenny Carroll, Meg Cabot


This is like a fangirling mess, so read at your own caution

"Nobody told me about the poison oak.

Oh, they told me about the palm trees. Yeah, they told me plenty about the palm trees, all right. But nobody ever said a word about this poison oak business."

Suze has the best opening lines, like they're so simple but they pull me in and I already feel like I'm immersed in the story. Reading these books is like catching up with a friend (so I imagine). Suze is just so fun and entertaining.
SpoilerAnd the fact that this whole book happens because of a misunderstanding is hilarious to me. Suze is just like yup figured this all out just to find out she was completely off the mark.

Father D was so funny in this book, can't wait for the next one for more of him. In this one he was just eager for another ghostly disturbance. Like Oh Susannah, there was a pileup, maybe we should drive out there and see if there's any souls that need guidance. Father D, you just sit down. You are recovering from a broken leg man, chill. And then Suze is telling him about how she wants to be normal and how no boy wants to go out with her and he's just like What do you mean no boys want to date you. You're popular. You have things going for you. You'll be fine.

And this book is the beginning of having her dad pop up. I live for those moments cause I love her dad. LOL and he has a conversation with Jesse about the fact that he's shacking up in her bedroom.

Which leads me into the Jesse section of this review. That conversation Suze and him have as a result of her dad is one of my favorites. Jesse's like so frustrated with pent up nervous energy about why she would sic him on him and Suze is just like I don't mind having you around and they talk about intentions. They're adorable. My wittle shipper heart! AND THEN THAT SCENE IN THE CAR!!!!!!! OMG another top fave. And then later on they have another scene where Suze tells him that if she could she'd make him not dead and then she's just like you wouldn't want to hang out with a loser like me and he's just like of course I would and just THEY HAVE A MOMENT OKAY.

I'll spare you anymore rambling like about Jesse and the cat (someone make a comic series about their adventures or something pls).