A review by firstimpressionsreviews
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


Wuthering Heights is the Gothic romance of Cathy Earnshaw and Heathcliff. Two star-crossed lovers who met as young children having a great disdain for each other growing up but soon realize that they are each other, in other words soul mates. All that changes when an accidental meeting between Cathy and the wealthy Edgar Linton, who tames Cathrine's wild ways and has her falling in love with his pocketbook. Heathcliff realizes that he will never be on the same par as a Linton as he is just a stable boy and thus leaves the moors to make something of himself.

But of course Emily Bronte could not leave us with a happy ending, and has Master Heathcliff return after the union of Cathy and Edgar. Despite the fact that he has made something of himself his efforts turn out to be in vain and not having changed his temper sets out for revenge.

I finished Wuthering Heights last night and find it very appropriate that it was during a tornado watch as that describes this novel very well. A tornado of disastrous events circle this novel, involving, gambling and alcoholism, violence, death and an overall conniving plot. None of the characters had any redeeming qualities, and would not have cared if they got swallowed up in the moors. If this where to take place in the modern age, all the players would be found in rehab, an insane asylum or prison, due to unlawful behavior.

Nelly, our storyteller is for the most part just watching the events unfold, but our listener, Mr. Lockheart I found very reminiscent of Mrs. Kravitz peeking over a wall to catch the latest obscurity.

I really don't think there is one particular evil doer in Wuthering Heights, but if it must be narrowed down the obvious answer is Heathcliff. He is so dastardly evil with very calculated, thought out evil plans to slowly bring about the demise of everyone around him. I can very easily picture him twirling a mustache while tying a damsel in distress to the train tracks.

Cathy, well there's no way to put this nicely, but she is a major bitch. She does almost as much damage as Heathcliff, she's just more subtle about. I just wish she had been thrown under the bus much sooner that she was.

Edgar and Isabella believed that everything was good in the world, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt only to have it bite them in the ass. Some people are just too trusting and were never taught not to take candy from strangers.

Hindley and Hareton are both ridiculously taken advantage of to further Heathcliff's plan. They suffer for this through horrid habits that are not easily reversed, swirling into obscurity and ignorance.

Cathrine and Linton really had no chance with the gene pool they were given. Isabella and Edgar being while very nice, also wimps and sissies. Cathy and Heathcliff are just plain bad, with both expressing their emotions in irrational manners. So Linton and Cathy naturally fell into this habitat prehaps being brain washed to the life style and decisions that are made.

See, no redeeming qualities.

I think the last line of Wuthering Heights is ultra creepy and sums up the novel nicely:

"And wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quite earth."