A review by skyhazzard
The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead


I've finished the book and I think this represents my feelings pretty well...

My babies! My precious babies! I still can't comprehend that this was the last Bloodlines book, I'm just like it can't be over. I love this world and it's characters so much. Sydney and Adrian are one of my ultimate OTPs, precious babies for life.

I liked how this last book played out besides a few things which I'll get into later. So glad no one seriously annoyed me this book cause it hurt me to say this, cause he's my #1 fictional boyfriend, but in the last book I wanted to slap Adrian so hard cause of how he was acting. Like my frustration with him was REAL. If I was a character in that last book and friends with him I would have slapped some real sense into him so fast he wouldn't have been moping around for as long as he was. He would have had his shit together! So I was glad he didn't take that route in this book. Mama Ivashkov stepped up her game this book which I was praying for, I was hoping for more progress from her from the end of the last book and she didn't disappoint me. We got to see a few of the Vampire Academy characters which is always a good time. Sydney continued on her badassery-ness and her and Rose teamed up.

And just that epilogue though...it was beautiful.

Now for the more spoilery ramblings I'll have which will totally be out of order cause of the feels.


When it was revealed who Dimitri's father was,

like I knew that was eventually coming but it just popped up out of nowhere and I was just all damn what what. Like I had to stop for a moment even before I hit that part. Dimitri came swooping in and just clocked him and then he was all "he's an animal" and I was like whoa, whoa stop this dude is his father isn't it isn't it. And then continued on like damn.

Sydney and Adrian being cute little babes

Mama Ivashkov, Adrian, Sydney bonding + Eddie and Sydney scenes cause I love their friendship

When they took twelve thousand years to figure out who had Jill

like really guys, not once did you consider her, don't think I missed the blonde girl at the door who used the bathroom in Silver Shadows, or the fact that there had to be a reason more than just the events of Indigo Spell why she was intoduced, please

Olive and her baby that was Neil's

Now with this I actually forgot that dhampirs couldn't have kids with other dhampirs so the whole time I was like it was Neil's until I started questioning why they didn't think for a second it was his and then I remembered but I was still like no, it's his. And then I remembered that theory people wanted about being restored means they can have kids.

And finally baby Declan

Just everyone being so in love with him and the fact that Adrian and Sydney are raising him as their own. I believe one day Neil will come back to be with him. Him leaving broke my heart.

Now for things I was upset about, a list.

1. The Bloodlines gang has been dispersed for too long in my opinion! Kay, they were barely with them last book and that carried over into this book besides like Eddie...and I'm counting Jackie even though she's not technically in the gang.

2. We didn't even see Angeline! Only got a mention of her, I am upset, I love her.

3. What happened to Hopper? There was that whole he'd be around for a year thing. I was hoping they'd find some way around that so he could stick around but we didn't even hear about him after Mama Ivashkov asked what she should do with him and the cat when she went to meet them in Palm Springs. I am very concerned with his well being.

3. Jill and Eddie. I started warming up to Jill sometime during the second to third book. She annoyed me for a while so I wasn't fully on board with this but I did hop on board. They had a little reunion at the end and in the epilogue they had a cute moment and it was mentioned that they were dating but I wanted more. At least like a joyful reunion when they were reunited like the one she had with Adrian.

4. Mama Sage. I wanted more from Sydney's mom. Her mom seems awesome. All we got were a few phone calls and some talk about her mostly in reference to Zoe. I want to know how she took the news that her daughter got married and stuck it to the Alchemists.

5. The Sage sisters. We got some Sydney/Zoe moments in this book and thankful Zoe had regretted her actions but she's still in that damn Alchemist world with their father. -_- Ugh. And Carly, we only had the briefest glimpse of her in Silver Shadows but that's a Sage girl I'd like to know more about. And her and Marcus got together. *throws a party*

That's all I got for now but like I said I was satisfied with how it ended, much more so than with Last Sacrifice (probably just cause my baby Adrian got a happy ending this time). But I shall be eagerly awaiting new tales from this world.