A review by whatbritreads
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


This series was just gorgeous, I really don’t know what else to say about it. After finishing the entire thing, looking back you can really see how much not only the plot and story developed, but the characters too. They finish so far from where they began and it was such an emotional ride to go on with them. They’re now probably one of my favourite examples of found family ever. Just so much love and support.

I was absolutely terrified to finish this book, it really does have you on edge the entire series not knowing how it’s all going to play out. For me it ended up being really unpredictable, the problem solving was really neat and despite having me on edge I loved the tense and gloomy atmosphere. The high stakes nature of everything also really amplifies the emotion of the story, and everything was just so tender. I love them all.

This book again felt like it was really slow in pacing though and did take me a bit to get into. There were many loose ends to tie up to the point that it was a bit confusing to have chapters flit between different characters and scenes happening simultaneously. I feel like more time was spent on minor characters and happenings than I would have preferred. It did get a tiny bit confusing in my miniscule mind, and I didn;t care about absolutely everything that was happening even though it was deemed crucial to the story. I still really liked it though.

I was very disappointed with the ending of this series I will say. It wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be and felt a bit rushed and cut short. There was a whole lot of build up for the tiniest bit of action at the end before a very speedy solution. It just came across as abrupt and I wasn’t ready for it all to end like that.

This series will hold a place in my heart though, I really liked it.