A review by duchessofreadin
Hallowed Halls by Hannah Alexander


**I received an advanced copy from the author**

Joy Gilbert is a doctor from a small town, who cares to much about everyone around her. Her ex-fiance Zach, is a doctor at the hospital in the town where Joy is from, who hasn't stopped caring for Joy since she left, and to top it all off Weston Cline, Joy's new employer, has made it clear to those around her that he is expecting more in their relationship than what is normal between employer and employee.
As Weston's background becomes more clear to Joy, she pulls back from any relationship with him, but his teenage daughter has become a close friend of Joy's, so she continues to see the daughter and offer what friendship she can. When Joy get some devastating news and heads home to her mother, more devastation is piled on top. Joy is determined to make the best of what she can of the relationship between herself and her mother, but Molly is not the easiest person to get along with. As they learn to love and appreciate each other for what they are, Joy's relationship with Zach is brought again to the front, and they are slowly working toward forgiveness. Will forgiveness be easy to find, or will they continue to battle it out? As the health of Joy's young friend Tressa is suddenly thrust to the forefront, can an entire family learn to move past the embers of past flames and move forward to new relationships?

This was a great read!! I read through the entire book in about three hours and enjoyed the entire thing! I fell in love with a couple of the characters and found myself giggling at some of the antics that went on between the pages. Great clean read!