A review by inniebin
Bound for Their Pleasure by L.V. Lane


[b:Bound for Their Pleasure: A fantasy barbarian romance|198544875|Bound for Their Pleasure A fantasy barbarian romance (Coveted Prey Book 18)|L.V. Lane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1693856108l/198544875._SY75_.jpg|201561655] is book number 18 of the Coveted Prey series. This a VAST world. It's a fantastic world. I highly recommend reading all the books as they cover quite a large area of the map of this world, with different practices depending on where you are, which is really refreshing to see.

[a:L.V. Lane|19017663|L.V. Lane|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1675937731p2/19017663.jpg] really has created a masterpiece here. Some of the books are darker than others, some are more about the smut than others, and some - like this one- are all about lightness and romance. It's perfect to read if you need to step away from the dark for a bit. :)

I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. It's not a large book, it was quite a fast read really, but it covers most things I like. It's got breeding, knotting, beastform mating, male Alphas and also MM smut which is always a plus with me in a threesome and generally what I would like to read more than just MFM, hehe.

It's a lighthearted book, but it also has a little bit of action, just enough to not make it dreary and keep the story moving.

All in all, I really loved Lore, Freya and Aston. They had a great relationship, and I enjoyed Lore and Aston's already-established relationship and love before Freya got added into the mix. :)

I highly recommend this book! <3