A review by parklandmom
I Am In Here by Creston Mapes


4 stars! Listened via audiobook but I have the Kindle e-book version. I liked the narrator except for two character voices - Sandra’s and Randall’s. Those were terrible. Sandra sounds like an out-of-breath guy with a mouth full of food while talking. Randall sounded like someone pinching their nose while talking. Very distracting.) Everything else was normal and well-done.

I loved the character of Hale and the unique perspective he provides. The Dad is pretty hard to like but desperation and fear can cloud a person’s judgment in a big way. Sandra’s level of evil is bone-chilling. Gilbert is a breath of fresh air and the most loving friend.

God can work through, and in spite of, all things. Trusting in Him is a theme within the book as Hale clings to his belief in God.

Lots of suspense in this story!