A review by smiley_kylie
The Summer of Yes by Courtney Walsh


"Normally this would be terrifying...but it's not so much. 
Normally I would never be in this situation...but here I am."

This is SUCH a great story. Kelsey is a hard working junior editor who finds herself sharing a hospital room with none other than Georgina Tate, an insanely successful older business woman who is the girl boss to rule all girl bosses. The two have something in common: they both chronically reject any experiences or people in their lives that don't directly impact the success of their careers. Thus the Summer of YES is born.

The story moves a little slowly at the start, but once the adventure begins, I could not put it down!

Kelsey is so relatable. Her worries about being invited to dinner with Ravi's big family is SO ME. Who's going to be there? Tell me everything I need to know about each of them. What's the parking situation? Will there be enough chairs? Should I eat beforehand? SO. ME. Georgina is borderline unlikable for a while. I would totally fear and respect her in real life...but would I like her? Probably not. By the end of the book, though, she had me changing my tune!

There is some romance in the story, which is a total delight, but the real front runner is the numerous life lessons that can be taken away. You guys...the number of screenshots I have on my phone now from quotes I loved or scenes I wanted to remember is a little insane. 

I loved seeing how both Kelsey and Georgina grow throughout the story. Their approaches and journeys differ, but they learn a similar lesson: "...that life...is good. And wonderful. And horrible, and beautiful, and messy, and everything all at once. And that's the beauty of it. It's overwhelming, but it's never boring. And it should be lived to the fullest."

I'm so glad I read this book - saying "yes" to more things that I might normally shy away from out of fear is something I've been working on lately, so this reminder came at a perfect time! I could keep going, but this review would get so long that you might as well just go read the book for yourself! 😉 Which you really should do, by the way. Say YES to reading The Summer of Yes!

I received an electronic ARC of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.