A review by bookishrealm
Fantastic Four: Life Story #1 by Mark Russell


This was an excellent first issue. I have seen a couple of these life story issues that they were doing with Spiderman. And if you did not know my first taste of Marvel really was the fantastic four so I was happy to hear that they were going to do this life story series with the original hero family. It is solely takes place in the 60s. I think what I love most about this issue is that it is a character analysis but within the framework of what is happening around the world in the 60s. And it’s one of those interesting comics that plays a little bit with social issues that would have been happening in the 60s. I of course love the character dynamic behind the fantastic four. That does not change in this first issue. I like seeing how they progress through each year of the decade. And I think that the art worked well with the story overall. This is one of the great comics that I’ve read in 2021 and I am really excited to continue on with it as the next issue releases I believe next month.