A review by astriareclipse
Her Heartless Savior by R.G. Angel


Review in Spanish & English | Reseña en Ingles & Español


Quise creer que y tuve fe que este libro seria mucho mejor que el pasado pero ciertamente no fue asi.

No tengo problema con la trama porque a mi no me molesta una historia que desde la pagina uno ya sabes de lo que va a tratar, quien va a ser los personajes buenos o los personajes malos, el plot twist etc etc. No tengo problema con nada de eso se los juro y perjuro.

PERO honestamente aparte de que todo es predecible no termine de querer a los personajes Lily es digamos una pequeña excepción es querible por asi decirlo la primera parte y luego ya no lo es.
Y es que batalle demasiado con las debilidades de ambos si porque el Alessandro decia una cosa y hacia otra es de esso personajes super tibios que no sabe que hacer, como hacerlo y prefiere dejarlo antes de intentarlo por "proteger" a Lily e incluso ella que pensaba algo pero todo se lo guardaba esperando que el otro hombre lo adivinara.

No me molestan varias caracteristicas o tropes de este libro de hecho son de los que más leo o disfruto pero en este libro siento que vivia en un constante que ya se acabe por favor porque no podia soportar que siguiera

La historia es un poco similar a la anterior incluso puedo decir que tambien a la tercera es decir siguen con la misma formula. No hay nada de malo pero para mi llego a cansar que incluso una ve que conoces todos los personajes ya puedes adivinar todo.

Como mencione en la reseña del primer libro yo solo comence la serie porque queria leer el tercero y dije porque no leer los tres libros. Si estas pensando lo mismo sinceramente amistad saltate hasta el tercero creo que te ahorrarias enojos.


I wanted to believe and had faith that this book would be much better than the last one but it certainly wasn't.

I don't have a problem with the plot because I don't mind a story that from page one you already know what it's going to be about, who is going to be the good characters or the bad the plot twist, etc. etc. I have no problem with any of that, I swear and perjure you.

BUT honestly, apart from the fact that everything is predictable, I don't end up loving the characters. Lily is, let's say, a small exception. She is lovable, so to speak, for the first part and then she is no longer lovable.
And I struggled too much with the weaknesses of both of them because Alessandro said one thing and did another, he is one of those super lukewarm characters who doesn't know what to do, how to do it, and prefers to leave it before trying to "protect" Lily and even she who He thought something but kept it all to himself, hoping that the other man would guess it.

I don't mind several features or tropes of this book. In fact, they are one of the ones I read or enjoy the most, but in this book I feel like I was living in a constant state, please let it end because I couldn't bear it to continue.

The story is a bit similar to the previous one, I can even say that the third one also means that they continue with the same formula. There is nothing wrong but for me it gets tiring that even once you know all the characters you can already guess everything.

As I mentioned in the review of the first book, I only started the series because I wanted to read the third and I said why not read all three books. If you are thinking the same thing, sincerely, sis skip to the third, I think you would save yourself anger.