A review by purplemoonmyst
The Pocket Pema Chodron by Pema Chödrön


my review

I Love Pema Chadron. I  really can't put my finger on it but whenever I read her I feel inspired to be a better person. She talks openly and honestly about how she fails at times to live you to the whole zen thing but she never makes you feel like you are an asshole if you are struggling to get to a higher plane of existence I guess is how I would put it.

This book is like a devotional book filled with short stories of hers. You can read one then go back and read another one when you need an uplift.

Her view on things will really make you think. For example, I feel like I am generally a great person at this point in my life. I try and be all zen and stuff and look for the good in people and all of that. Yet reading some of her teachings, I realize how far I have to go. I think I am ALMOST enlightened then BAM I look up and it is miles and miles away.

Yet I don't feel like she is talking down to me like I get the feeling with some Christian authors. I feel like she is merely pointing out a way up. Like she is clearing the path for me so to speak.

final verdict

i loved it


 This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land