A review by bookmeanderings
Age of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan


3.5 stars.
I think this book suffered a bit from "middle book syndrome." The pacing in this book was quite slow and I generally prefer a faster pace. The plot did not move forward very much, but there was a lot of character development that was necessary to the overall story. There were also some things that came close to shattering my suspension of disbelief like the fact that the Rhunes had just invented the wheel, the bow, and pockets in this book.

One of my favorite character arcs so far has been Suri's. She is 100% my favorite character so far and she grew by leaps and bounds in this book. RIP Minna.

Mawyundule's POV was interesting at times as well. I was glad we still got a POV from someone in Elven society.

Who the heck is Trilos and what does he want?!?!

Overall a good read that leads well into Age of War.