A review by maxschuman
American Moonshot: John F. Kennedy and the Great Space Race by Douglas Brinkley

hopeful informative slow-paced


I thought it would be a book about the space program -instead it was really a book about JFK and how he interacted with it, which was a pretty narrow scope for  a fairly long book (it does have detours into the history of rocketry and some other characters). I learned some stuff but not sure it’ll change my life. 

The book clearly has the position that JFK was a (maybe the?) key to going to the moon and lays out a lot of examples of both political calculation and genuine personal interest that led him down that path. I’m not 100% sure I buy that a different person in his position at the same time couldn’t have led to the same outcome. I wouldn’t have minded a little more explicit argument of this rather than just pure narrative, as it is a good test case for a classic historical debate about whether the great people drive history or whether they are along for the ride.