A review by nuttyrachy
The Moon Sister by Lucinda Riley


So far in this series, I think I may have enjoyed this one the least so far maybe? I still enjoyed it! Don't get me wrong, I just felt, out of all the sisters so far, I was the least interested in Tiggy's story I guess. I'll be honest, I actually kinda forgot about Tiggy. She never really stood out to me amongst the other sisters in the previous stories. I was half expecting this one to be about Electra, but that's the next one for me to read.

Like the others, I felt transported into the historical part of the story and was intrigued by the Spanish gypsy lives and could imagine the town, community, the dancing and the dresses etc. I think the writing is still amazing and I definitely love the character build up both in the present and past parts of the story. I think because I don't really believe in the "seeing" part of the story where different members of the community have "the gift", that's one element of the story that definitely made me eye roll far too many times. I felt a little too convenient that they "just knew" something had or hadn't happened.

I liked the present story being based in Scotland and I found a lot of the characters on Kinard very lovable and easily likable (or not) respectfully. It took me a little while to get into as I was listening to it on Audio and at first I found the narrator to be quite nasally which was a little off putting. I soon got over this first impression though (plus her Scottish accent was pretty top notch) and I got into the story and didn't think any more of it before long.

I'm interesting to see what happens with this Zed character in the Electra story though! I don't think I remember him very much in Maya's story? Maybe that's just my lack of memory though, I will read through my older reviews and see if anything strikes a note.