A review by sacrificebyfire
The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze


A 4 1/2 Star Book...

I don't think I've ever beeen depressed in any way about a celebrity - until I first heard Patrick Swayze had pancreatic cancer. I cried. Instantly. Swayze was one of the top 5, if not first, major pop culture influences on my life. He taught me about the birds and the bees, macho men, drag queens, etc. I've probably seen Dirty Dancing at least 100 times since it first came out. I've seen Road House, Next of Kin, and To Wong Foo UPTEEN times. I watched City of Joy, which I don't think more than 500 people saw. :oP I even watched The Beast faithfully for the one season it was on, even though he was so sick and so pitiful looking. I cried again when he died.

I read the book through in one sitting, and I'm happy to say I didn't cry (although I did get depressed again!). Sure, it was a little self-indulgent, but please, he was a celebrity and they are all at least a little self-serving. He honestly stated at the beginning of the book that he was writing it to see if his life meant anything, if he had made a difference in anyones life or done anything worthwhile. To mean, it seemed like his successfully navigated his life for that answer. This book was everything a reader could want in an autobiography. He touched on all the issues and topics his fans wanted to hear about. He was straightforward about his demons, his marriage, and his many successful careers. If anything, I wish he had written and expanded more in some areas, but I walked away from the book very satisfied, which I can't say about some stories (Steve Martin's, for example).

No, Patrick Swayze, you didn't end world hunger, but you've kept me entertained for 20+ years. I've laughed, cried, cheered, and swooned. You were one of those people who was always going to be successful no matter what, and I'm glad you chose movies.