A review by booksandbraids
Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar


OMG. I hated it at first. i admit. one year ago i tried reading but couldnt get over the girly essense of it. but. then i watched the first 5 min of the tv series. i dont even know why i watched it. i was bored out of my mind and my friends like omg watch gossip girl its amazing. and im like fine w/e. serena steped off that train and i freaked. i mean i was in love. i got the dvds netflix style one after the next as fast as possible. then shortly after bought the dvds myself. been watching them over and over again since. 3rd time going all the way through i think... :/

anywho, back to the book. i knew i hated it the first time. then i got it again, and started as a joke to myself. but i instantly loved it. idk wat changed. so now i am freaking out cause the library is closed and i cant get the next book till tomorow.... grrr