A review by oomilyreads
The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin


The Nature of Witches written by Rachel Griffin

Stunning YA Fantasy debut! This was a perfect read for autumn! This book makes me want to drink warm cinnamon apple cider in the fall, attend the winter ball, go hiking through the forest in the spring & run through the sprinklers in the summer. This story is immersive g atmospheric. I wanted to be a part of this world where witches are born on the Spring/Autumn Equinox or Summer/Winter Solstice & become one of the seasons witches that rely on the suns’ energy. Autumn witches have a transitional magic which “builds on the undercurrent of thankfulness & sorrow”. Winter magic have a deliberate, aggressive pulse that requires less sun. Springs are patient, calm & love plants & growth. Summer magic is a bold constant rush, rapid & powerful relying intensely on the sun.

Clara was born an Everwitch whose magic is tied to every season but she’s unable to control it. At age 17, she is traumatized by seeing the deaths of those she loves most by the power of her uncontrolled magic. While she’s internally battling herself on how she can rid herself of magic, her teachers ask her to train with a newcomer, a newly graduated botanist named Sang. He is a Spring witch who has the power to calm her while she practices. As she’s faced with ecological challenges, she finds solace & support in unlikely places.

An absorbing contemporary coming-of-age magical novel about a young witch who learns to trust her powers & stand up for herself interwoven with a very sweet love story. I truly adored Sang, a sweet, charming patient Korean Spring witch & really loved their growing (get it?!) relationship. I also liked her old bestfriend /ex-gf Paige who is a winter witch that confronts Clara about her self-pity & saw her for what she is really capable of.

Author Griffin has such a beautiful & unique style of writing that makes for a wonderful & fascinating story. All the vibrant details of nature that puts me right into the mood of the season. This is a story that I’d want to read over & over again.

Thank you Netgalley Source Books Fire for providing me an ARC, I loved it so much I got my own SIGNED physical version! The inner hardcover is stunning as much as the illustration on the paper that covers it.