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A review by cctblog
Moments We Forget by Beth K. Vogt


Moments We Forget continues the story of the Thatcher sisters, which began in Things I Never Told You (and yes, you really should read the books in order, as much of what happens in this novel was set up in the first book). When this novel begins, middle sister Jillian has beaten breast cancer and is settling into married life ... but then circumstances arise that set her off balance and threaten all of her hopes and dreams. Youngest sister Payton finds herself open to faith for the first time in her life, but she doesn't know if she's believing for herself or because that's what her deceased twin Pepper wanted for her. And oldest sister Johanna unexpectedly finds herself at a crossroads in her personal and professional life. As the three Thatcher sisters cope with the unexpected twists of life, they also take baby steps toward each other.

After being a secondary character in Things I Never Told You, Jillian becomes the main character in Moments We Forget. After finishing her breast cancer treatment, she thought life would become easier ... but it didn't. Her story of coming to grips with her new reality and beginning a faith journey is beautiful to watch. Payton's relationship with God, which began in Things I Never Told You, continues to grow throughout this novel, and it was nice to see her more settled after the emotional roller coaster she was on in that first novel. And then there's Johanna ... I could. not. stand. her in book one, and I struggled to like her in this book, as well. She's a bossy know-it-all who can't ever say "I'm sorry." But we get to know her better in this book, and she slowly becomes more sympathetic. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how her story continues!

When this series begins, no one in the Thatcher family has any semblance of a relationship with Christ. The faith journeys in these first two books strike me as authentic—while "lightning bolt" moments do happen, I think that probably more often, there's a slow awakening to an interest in the Lord, and then the time comes when you have to make a decision about whether you believe and choose to follow Christ. That's what's depicted here, at least with Payton and Jillian. (Something tells me that, just based on personality, Johanna's conversion—if it comes—will look a bit different.)

Moments We Forget is a beautiful story of sisterhood, faith, and forgiveness. You'll definitely want to have a Kleenex box nearby as you read! 4-1/2 stars.

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.