A review by bookishrealm
A Splendid Friend, Indeed by Suzanne Bloom


I read this book as a part of the picture book challenge I am participating in on my blog. One of the categories was to read a book that is a book about friensdhip so I decided to choose this book. If you're interested in the picture book categories I'll be reading from as part of the challenge be sure to check out the link here: 2017 Challenges

This book was adorable! I think everyone can relate to that person that comes around and always asks you so many questions and can seem incredibly annoying, but they're only doing it because they love you and they really love being your friend. I definitely have been the duck in various situations, but I definitely have friends that represent the bear who after getting annoyed loves the duck just as much as the duck loves him.

The artwork was interesting because it was vibrant, but seemingly fuzzy at the same time. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but once you read it I think you'll understand where I'm coming from. I've never read anything by this author before, but if her other work is like this then I'm pretty sure I would enjoy it. If you're looking for a picture book that teaches children about friendship and caring then I would definitely recommend this book.