A review by owlsreads
Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews


 Yes, I did read Ruby Fever in practically one sitting. Yes, I am still recovering.

This book was so goddamn good and satisfying on a personal level. The prologue did such a good job to set up Catalina and Alessandro's relationship and where it was going and then the first chapter picked up running! Basically, all of the things happened all the time. It was amazing.

I really loved how the plot developed here. Not a moment was wasted and every chapter was packed with so much relevant information that I felt like my head was spinning in the best of ways. This made me stay glued to the book whenever I had some free time because I was dying to know what was going to happen.

There were also so many important plot and world-building reveals! Some of the long-standing questions in this universe were answered and I ate it all up tbh. Quite a few of them promise some very interesting things for the future and it was so much getting to find out about those things in this book.

Also! Totally unexpected, but I loved Victoria in this. Andrews successfully endeared her to me in the funniest way.

The ending was also super sweet since we got a little bit from Arabella's perspective. It was lovely to read about Catalina and Alessandro getting their happy ending after the (successful) shitshow that was the final conflict in this book. I honestly finished reading this with a huge smile on my face and I'm happy with how this trilogy wrapped up!