A review by linusnc
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson


This books was kind of a letdown from the first in the series "Jedi Search." I was hoping for a great story arc and was letdown. I was hoping to see more or Gantoris and his "Dark Man" although we do meet him and see him together I think it was a waste of what Gantoris could of been. Very disappointed.

As for the Sun Crusher, a new doomsday weapon stolen from the Empire by Han Solo and Kyp Durron. I thought that Mr. Anderson uses this weapon terribly wrong. First of I believe no government would of ever do what the New Republic did with it.

And as I do not want to give any spoilers away, all I will say is this about Luke. It is a shame in how the first in the new Jedi Knights is being treated like an idiot in this one. He is Luke Skywalker for God sakes not Harry Potter. Give him more strength. The character was written like he was weaker then what he was when he was a farm boy.

I really hope the third book pulls this series together. I came in reading the first one fast and loved it this one took me longer cause I was disappointed. A rarity for me when reading.