A review by beckymmoe
Love Bites by Ophelia London


A cute, fun, fluffy read! (Can a book with sharks in it be fluffy? Apparently so ;))

I loved Sharona (though the song is stuck in my head now; thanks, Ophelia London!)--except for her inexplicable love of accounting, she's a heroine after my own heart. Between her wandering into first class in search of cookies, and spilling her drink on the hero not once but twice, I have found my kindred spirit. :)

As for the hero, as soon as Jeff was described as "Dr. Great White Han Solo Jeff Cruz" I was a goner.

Really! Han Solo! As if anyone could resist that! Certainly Sharona can't...

Jeff's actually a much nicer guy all-around (black moment craziness aside) than Han--it's mostly his crooked smile that Sharona compares to that of my original favorite on-screen boyfriend. But once the comparison was made--I was sold! ;)

All together, this was a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a summer afternoon. It almost made me forget about the bad cold my daughter passed my way.

Looking forward to more from this series!

Rating: 4 stars / B

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.