A review by rachelreadsravenously
The Bride by S. Doyle


4 stars!

First off I have to say, when my friend Geri recommended this series to me I thought that woman was crazy. A novella series about a 16 year old bride? Everything in it's marketing, from the cover to the description sounded like a taboo sex novel along the lines of Alexa Riley (not that there's anything wrong with Alexa Riley and books like theirs, it just ain't my thing). Honestly, I think the marketing for this book is all wrong, but that's just me. I never would have picked this up without a recommendation.

But I took a chance anyway, because well, TRUST and all that fun stuff. And I am so glad I did! To clarify, this is NOT a taboo sex driven novel, but really a story of a young girl who has lost everything, and the family friend who did what it took to keep her from going into foster care and to remain in her family home until she turned 18 in a little over a year.

I gotta say, I loved Ellie. The author did a good thing and didn't have her acting her age, like an annoying teenager as younger heroines are so often portrayed. Ellie was dealt the hard hands in life early on, and we see how that makes her transition into early adulthood and no longer being that carefree teen. Jake was a bit harder to read, I definitely want to get to know him better in the other books. He takes care of Ellie, he loves her as a sister. But the progression of that into something more is a bit of a mystery to me.

I cannot wait to read the other books, this is a poignant story about dealing with loss and the evolution of love. KU readers rejoice, it appears this series is currently on KU!

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