A review by vaporization
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley


better get it done properly... my god. what did I just read.

I was thinking that maybe I ought to reread The Watchmaker of Filigree Street since I don't remember having a particularly favorable opinion of it (I thought it was okay) yet the rest of Natasha Pulley's works have just hit me in all the right ways, but after reading this I think I remember why. That book was confusing and this book is also confusing. Most of it is the time stuff. It's a bit hard to keep track of the places and times. To be honest if I had read this book when I read The Watchmaker of Filigree Street I would probably think this book is just okay too. Some of Pulley's word choices are...choices. Like, they're weird. At times I would stop and be like why...why those words. And the plot is hella confusing. And the character motivations are kinda flimsy, especially Mori's. Like you can remember the future but you can't tell that
Spoileryour boyfriend is extremely jealous about you and YOUR WIFE that you never told him about so you don't even THINK that he would want to look for you???
even though that scene at the end was good.

But EVERYTHING ELSE oh my god. I just love the way Natasha Pulley makes her scenes so quiet and so loud at once. And this book is miscommunication to the MAXIMUM but you know what forget it if it's Natasha Pulley there can be all the miscommunication in the world because she writes it so well and it hurts so bad and it's so good.

god I will never stop thinking of that.

Also did Natasha Pulley make Thaniel
Spoilersick so that he wouldn't outlive Mori by that long...because I just reread Watchmaker and that's one of his concerns. I mean in this book the worry is that Mori will outlive Thaniel which is a bit ironic. What about Six :(