A review by eesh25
Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer


One last adventure with Artemis, Holly, Butler, Foley and, of course, Mulch. It’s also one final showdown against Opal Koboi. But this one’s been set up very well, and everyone knew it was coming. I’ll be honest, when we first faced Koboi, I’d never have thought that she would become the series villain. But she’s proven herself to be quite formidable. And insane.

I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a great conclusion. It starts with Koboi’s plan going into action, and there are consequences appropriate for a final book. Though I wish that the faerie warriors that Koboi used had been even remotely set up in a previous book. That’s actually my only real issue with the book. Their presence was still fun.

But even with the villains and the magic and schemes, the heart has always been the characters and the relationships. I can’t tell you how much I love the relationships Artemis has with Butler and Holly. Or the one of mutual respect and experience between Butler and Holly. I also love how Mulch continues to pop up in unusual ways and be (reluctantly) helpful.

The book also completes Artemis’s personal arc that was started in book one with him kidnapping a faerie for gold. He’s come such a long way, and so gradually and believably. The characters have been the best executed aspect of this series. And I’m satisfied with how all their stories ended.

I also wanted to give one last shoutout to Nathaniel Parker for his fantastuc narration for this entire series. You did an amazing job.

And… there’s not much else to say. This book was fun and fast paced like all the others. I loved how competent all the characters were. And I’m very glad Artemis’s Atlantis Complex wasn’t present here, because I wasn’t a fan of that in the last book. So overall, this was a great book and conclusion, and I’m very happy to have started this series. It’s made me want to read more middle-grade, and it was just a blast.