A review by kreela
Shady Magic by K.V. Adair, Felicia Beasley


Surprisingly deep action-packed paranormal romance. Other reviewers can give a better synopsis of the plot...however, in no way did I take this as a young-adult novel.

Since I am well past that time in life, I had no trouble with the gore, violence, first sexual intercourse, and story arc. What makes this young-adult is Lexi's age, which is about 18, when she has to make a decision on whether to attend college or pursue her goal in life: become a P.I. just like her brother. Further, she feels invulnerable (and why wouldn't she when she has two protectors she is living with?) and makes hasty decisions to pursue the criminal leads without backup.

Lexi's boyfriend is hot, in an instant-attraction way. Thank goodness it is not fated. I won't give it away, but I see how she is misinterpreting the signals. The kisses and sex left me needing a small fan on my face, and I had to angle my iPad away from my husband lest he notice...ha ha.

The surprise for me, as I lay awake last night, was in realizing that the book has a strong theme about racism. As a half-demon following her brother, who is actually a nephilim, Lexi is an atypical teen who naturally does not have the racist learning that her bestie does. But everyone's ideas of what a demon, a nephilim, an angel, or other paranormal are allows us to examine our own preconceived notions and tribalistic tendencies without the trappings of modern society's notions. This is the best that sci-fi and fantasy can offer, allowing us a new dimension to examine why and how we teach bigotry and extremism to our young. You don't need to realize this to enjoy the story, and really, when I was younger I was terrible at recognizing the themes in english class.

The novel is *****. Just enjoy it.