A review by harrietj
Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours by Jim Butcher


I enjoyed this. It can be hard to translate Spider-Man into prose - his brightly-coloured suit and barely-human body language is just made to be shown visually - but it comes across well in this novel, and Jim Butcher is a skilled enough writer that his trademark wit is ever-present. Supporting characters are true to the comic versions and I liked Peter and MJ's relationship. It's also always a treat to see (read?) Black Cat, and if the back-and-forth jealousy between her and MJ that's always tentatively resolved by the end of the story is a little overplayed by this point, well, like I say, Butcher is a good enough writer that I wasn't bored.

It helps that I really like Rhino. Weird choice of villain, but I don't think he gets used enough.

Overall this book isn't going to be setting the world on fire, of course, but if you like Spidey and his supporting cast in words with no pictures then you could certainly do a lot worse. I enjoyed it. And the cover of my edition is really cool.