A review by _michelle_
The Last Apprentice: Clash of the Demons (Book 6) by Joseph Delaney


Very interesting read. Six books in, these books are a bit formulaic. They do have a (slight) continous storyline, but every book has a Big Bad stirring up trouble, Big Bad is defeated/outwitted by Tom, then Tom and the Spook end up at home in relative calm until the next ordeal. Now, that can be good or bad; if you hate repetition, this is not the series for you. If you liked the first book, you will (probably) like the rest (book two was actually a low point for me so keep reading beyond that!) because you know what you're getting.

SpoilerThere are some deaths in this book, but there's no real emotional resonance because those who die (or are presumed dead) haven't been in the books much, so it meant very little to me because I didn't really feel like I knew them; not like I know Tom, Alice and the Spook 6 books in.