A review by spejamchr
Minority Report and Other Stories by Philip K. Dick


- Minority Report (5 stars)

Knowing a prophecy changes the future, rendering the prophecy invalid.

- Total Recall (4 stars)

What if:

1. Secret agents' memories could be wiped?
2. Detailed false memories could be manufactured?
3. An unwitting secret agent asks for false memories that correspond to the real ones that had been wiped?

- Paycheck (3 stars)

Man with access to a time-scoop (time-scope?) Who is about to have his memory erased plays god with his future, directing himself right where he wants to be.

- The second variety (4 stars)

Machines made for war to indiscriminately kill all life are good at what they do, and develop inter-type weapons for machine-on-machine warfare. The creation takes after the creator.

How did the main character not see the ending coming??? Argh!

- The eyes have it (2 stars)

Paranoid man doesn't understand figurative language?