A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
Hidden Warrior by Lynn Flewelling


Not quite as good as [b:The Bone Doll's Twin|671560|The Bone Doll's Twin (The Tamír Triad, #1)|Lynn Flewelling|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GJ54FBYFL._SL75_.jpg|71863], but still engrossing.

In some ways, the book feels like a YA novel because of the age of many of the central characters. I had trouble remembering Tobin's age at some points. I also felt that Tobin's revealing of her true self seemed to be accepted a bit too readily by some people. I understand the whole horror pushes belief forward, but more illustration of the horrors even day people saw would have helped.

Still, the book does have its good complex moments. Tobin's reaction to her true state, his embarassment when he looks at women's clothes are all nicely done.