A review by eiion
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells


Rogue Protocol, the third installment in the MurderBot series was a fun adventure following MurderBot's goal of trying to find more information about GrayCris, an abandoned terraforming operation, and get back to Dr Mensah. and of course, it wouldn't be MurderBot without getting tangled up with a group of humans they begrudingly don't hate and nearly dying multiple times.

I did really enjoy this book, but it wasn't my favourite by any means. it felt a little more like a filler adventure. while it was interesting and full of action, I don't think we actually got a lot of information other than confirming some suspicions and spurring on the rest of the series. the stuff we got about GrayCris was interesting, but not groundbreaking by any means, and I didn't love the side characters in this one as much. Miki was sweet and gave MurderBot a few Moments that contributed to their character development, and Don Abene had some charm, but they didn't stick out in my mind.

even though it's book three, I think it suffered a little from "second/middle book syndrome". book one introduced us to the character, book two built on them, and this one was sort of... the adventure they needed to have and the last piece of evidence they needed before they could get back to the main conflict and story at hand. it was still an enjoyable and easy read, but I am partially glad that it wasn't longer than the 150 or so pages it was, I just don't think I would have been able to get through it as easily.
definitely looking forward to book four - now that we have all the pieces, I have a feeling it'll start coming together.