A review by book_geek96
Future Diary, Volume 12 by Sakae Esuno


Wow, it has been a while I have given 1 star. But it is what this volume gets. Now I have a perfect reason to write my review of how bad this manga was:
1. Let's begin with the plot. Which begins really simple, and then gets messy and stupid. I haven't read a lot of manga, but I already know this is one of the worsts. The idea was great at first: diaries that predict future! I got my hopes and expectations high, believing one of a hell psychologically and mind-bending great adventure it would be. I was wrong. There were more than a future diaries: there was actually a "god" who can DIE and need to have a successor. Well, it goes against my believes about "gods" in general. Gods shouldn't die and if he can, he shouldn't need a human being for his throne. Maybe a chosen one, but all the diary owners were stupids who can't turn the world into a better place. ALSO, gods shouldn't choose successors in a killing game. Then this "god" is a horrible one. Additionally, this also gets boring, repetitive. All around there were plot holes! I can't even count them.

2. Characters that I don't care about. This happened for the first time in manga that I was shocked:I didn't connect to the characters! They get stupid and cliche backgrounds, tragic pasts with abuses and rapes which became disgusting. I didn't shed a tear when they all died. The only noticeable ones were Yuno, Yukiteru and Minene, Akise which again, despite being noticeable among others, were unsympathetic ones. Yuno were a great psycho killer, I admit. She was a driving force to this story. Minene was a terrorist who then given tragic childhood, some good sides to, but still I can't connect. Akise was a great detective with actual ambition, which I liked. Yukiteru, the main character was boring to read about. I don't even care about him being a crybaby, pathetic and without ambition. He is 14 years old still. However, if you are gonna write a story, make the main character with AMBITION, with something to do. And one thing more, I don't like killer characaters. Yes, it is a survival game, but killing civilians, innocents, killing themso EASILY made me hate them even more.

3. The art: okay, the art was average. I am not talking about drawing here. I am talking about fanservice. There were nude characters, sex scene between 14 YEAR OLD KIDS! And a MOTHER who is content with it. What? Also romance between Yukki and Yuno was too early! I didn't feel the subtle sweetness of child romance. Not working...

But why I read it till the end? Not because I am a masochist. Because, I wondered about Yuno's identity all along. She was a mad murderer and I wondered what made her like this. She got some crazy plot twists too, which was plus.

So, I round up the stars I gave to other volumes and this manga got 3.3 stars . I adress to people who wants to read this: save yourselves!

PS: The ending sucks.