A review by fullsun00
Above All Else by Dana Alison Levy


Actual Rating 4,75.

Thank you Edelweiss for giving me a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

The story focuses on Rose and Tate. Bestfriends since forever they love climbing together alongside Rose's mom and Tate's dad.

As every climber's dream, Mount Everest was their goal so they decide it's time to climb. Sadly it is witouth Mami ( Rose's mom) since she is sick.

Tate is hesitant to go since he had a bad fall 6 months prior while Rose feels guilty because she is going and not Mami when it was her dream.Besides all of this they are dealing with their own problems such as college .
Tate struggles a lot with who he is after that fall. Is climbing truly something he wants to keep doing?

I will dare to say that the book is about the relantionships and how they develop through all this journey. The side characters Yoon Su and Luc were trully amazing and it was really sweet how all of they bonded because of what started for all with a hobby.

It is amazing to see how much these people risk and how much danger they put themselves into to complete their goals. The author tells us everything there is to do right before someone climbs the Everest and how mentally and physically draining it is. She also tells us about what goes behind all of that. How Sherpas work to be able to amke the routes and how they put their life in danger to earn money. Ladders. Ropes. Oxygen. Death. Injuries. There is a lot more than we now about this world and i would like everyone to read this and learn a little bit more.