A review by beckyrendon
The Ex Effect by Karla Sorensen


Oh hells yeah!!! Karla Sorensen brought her A game or should I say her Wolves...

I loved book one (The Bombshell Effect) of this series. It was dreamy and not so perfectly perfect. But this book, The Ex Effect, wow!!! It's a whole new ballgame! (You can smirk at that, I won't tell!)

It may be the same team (mostly) but this is a whole different play. A Hail Mary of epic proportions. The Ex Effect is filled with the stuff that makes us readers crazy:
- Terrible family dynamic that makes you both insane and want to drink copious amounts of alcohol even though they aren't yours
- History. Seriously dramatic history. Hard to get past history.
-Feels. Damn it. You aren't getting out of this book without an emotional connection.
-hope. Tons of motherfluffing hope. The stars in your eyes, googly eyed kind

And let's not forget for men in tight pants who grunt and workout a lot flexing their insanely hot muscles... (What!?! It's a legit point.) I won't even have to point out that they are some of the sweetest, sexiest specimens in football. Nope. You know it. I know it. And if you're caught up you can help me portion for a certain silent and bloody guy to get his story. Lord knows we can't ask him. He'd never volunteer it.