A review by maigahannatu
Liberating Black Theology: The Bible and the Black Experience in America by Anthony B. Bradley


I'm not a theologian, so this book was a bit of a tough slog for me. It read a lot like a text book. However, I did learn new things from reading this book, so thanks to Dr Bradley for that! I found the last two chapters most helpful and personally wished he had spent more time on those. Also, I noticed the book was published in 2010 and 10 years later, I wonder if Dr Bradley would have a different take on "black liberation theology is dead". Because while it may or may not be dead in black churches, it seems to me that it has taken on new life in society as a whole. It seems to have spoken into much of what is being proposed today. I do hope that black theologians take up his challenge to be creating a black theology that is both biblically sound and which speaks to African-American society and I do hope that white theologians will use those writings to inform their own thinking. I think that if nothing else, in the past 20 years more of us have woken up to the fact that there is systemic racism, a sinful system resulting from the opinions and oppression of sinful individuals. May we work more and more to be both righteous and just towards all peoples and towards the African American community in particular.