A review by betsyrisen
Unruly: A History of England's Kings and Queens by David Mitchell


I can't think of anything bad to say about this book. First, David Mitchell. I mean come on. If you're as big a freak for British panel shows as I, you already know who he is. And this book? Is HILARIOUS. And it's not haha funny, it's CLEVER as HELL. Literally laughing out loud to the point of pain more often than I wasn't.

Along with all that, you actually DO get a history of England's Kings and Queens! (Up until about 400 years ago because that's the point they stopped being "relevant.") Not to mention the perfectly placed and beautiful rendered references to Shakespeare throughout who, it has to be said, is probably the reason more than any other I'm obsessed with British royalty in the first place. So good. Just so good.