A review by apalershadeofwhite
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo


A great continuation from the first novel. I really enjoyed! My thoughts on Alina just keep getting better and better; she's really improving in my books. Although there was an insane amount of drama towards the end of the novel, no chapters left me bored and feeling like fillers. There was always something going on: Nikolai and Alina's rapport, Nikolai and Vasily, the hallucinations. Really, really good job on the writing in this book! The character and narrative development is really outstanding.

I love Sturmhond and Nikolai! I love the witty comments and comedy that they bring to the book. Mal, thought still sometimes a little dramatic in the most annoying way, slipped into my favour in this book. And Tamar and Tolya are some of my favourites! I adore their loyalty and strength.

I saw online that a lot of people were disappointed in this book because the Darkling didn't make many appearances, but that didn't bother me at all. Bardugo's world and character building is so good that I'm sure I would love whatever she wrote and whoever she included in her narratives.