A review by teal_axolotl
Eden by Stanisław Lem


This book is what I imagine wacky old movies about space exploration to be like. A bunch of guys fly their private spaceship to a planet without any real mission, just to see what's there. Having done virtually no prior recon, they crash/land without hesitation, and find themselves utterly unprepared for the situation. Having nothing better to do, they immediately go to fist-fight some aliens to establish contact.

Eden was somewhat like that. But the premise was alright, and the profession-labeled nameless characters (Doctor, Engineer) didn't bother me either, they were secondary to the bigger picture the book was trying to paint. Except this painting gave the impression that Lem isn't good with words. Everything was a description, written in not the most creative or engaging way. Plain boring to read.

The writing felt very amateurish, which is unsurprising, considering that Eden was one of his earliest works. Although the story has some solid backbone, and it could've been a much better book, had Lem been a more experienced writer at that time.