A review by cathydavies
Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life by William Deresiewicz


I enjoyed reading this book as it was excellently written making for an easy and enjoyable read. I found his argument about about how the elite institutions are just perpetuating the leadership class but without giving them the skills to actually change things persuasive. I enjoyed the discussion about the changes to the education system and college admissions, which has created a class of people who can follow orders with excellent but aren't very good or comfortable when the rules need changing. Thus, the elite being taught at Yale et al are great within the current system. However, they expect lots of breaks and assistance on the way. They expect second chances and third chances. It is also scary to think that these elites who will be running our businesses and country don't really think that other people have any value or feelings. Or at least can't understand the feelings or motivations of the nonelite.

My problem with this book was that it was written by someone who is a product of the the elite education system. He gave some interesting suggestions about how to fix education but they were only from the perspective of the elite.