A review by anotherhalima
The Dark Sea Calls by Michaela Haze

maeva is all over the place. i get that it’s their destiny to be together but the girl is giving me a head ache with her flip flopping behaviour. she sleeps with them and will be like oh i’ll never forgive them. uhm okay… then she’ll hug them. ahh…sure? then she lashes out again… i wish she had some conviction in her decisions so i as a reader could respect her. even if i think being with ppl that tortured you and killed your ppl is a no no at least choose something! i want to root for her but i don’t know what i’m rooting for. also she’s kind of not the brightest. if these guys are telling her their mates and she literally sees their markings why is she not catching on? like girl keep up!

the guys are cardboard cutouts of characteristics. i’m not a fan of men povs but in this case it would’ve helped imo.

the romance is trying to give “oh it not the mate bond it you that i love” but it’s not. she spent like two weeks with the guys and they are waxing poetic about each other. v romeo and juliet of them which sense which it’s inspired from that. the smut kinda feels jarring ngl. 

the world building is very vague which i think is style of the author. i felt the same way about the other books

will cont. also just found out this series is not done…