A review by cavalary
Din negura timpului by Lavinia Călina


RO [English below]:
Tot se citeste repede, am terminat-o in trei zile fara sa incerc neaparat, dar in principal ce mai salveaza aceasta carte, si m-a facut sa-i dau aceste trei stele, chiar daca sub protest, e actiunea si unele turnuri care-i clar c-au fost planuite din timp si bine. Sunt niste momente care ar merita probabil mai multa lauda, daca le-as putea separa de restul.
Problema e ca acel "rest" e o parte mai mare si inseamna ca tot nu mi-a pasat cat de putin de personaje si, daca nu prea mai e cazul sa ma enerveze cand am ajuns la a treia carte, as spune ca mai degraba mi-a facut greata de-a dreptul. Evident, asta incepe de la accentul pus pe facut copii si importanta acestora si a actului de a-i face in poveste, cu un "spor de greata" adaugat de cat isi doreste Roxana o "ceata" si cum vede ea un copil, asa ca revin la vorbele "de dulce" pentru cine mi-a recomandat seria desi ar fi trebuit sa ma avertizeze sa nu ma ating de ea, stiind cum vad asta.
Apoi, daca unii ar spune ca partea de mai sus e strict subiectiva, sistemul de magie tot ar merita multe detalii dar nu sunt oferite, povestile de dragoste dintre personaje tot vin de nicaieri si ma lasa rece, soarta tuturor e as zice chiar jenant de buna, sunt scapari chiar si in acea actiune si acele turnuri care am zis ca-s partea buna, nu se explica deloc cum s-a intamplat de fapt ce se intampla la final... Si nu doar ca ar trebui sa concedieze cineva corectorul, dar mie mi-ar fi rusine si sa postez un comentariu oarecare scris in halul asta, si daca as fi mort de somn de exemplu, d-apai sa public o carte, si o a doua editie, cu atatea greseli. Nu ca n-ar fi fost destule si inainte, dar in ultimul capitol si epilog tindeam sa numar cateva pe fiecare pagina.

Still reads quickly, I finished it in three days without really trying, but mainly what saves this book somewhat, and what made me give these three stars, albeit under protest, is the action and some twists that have clearly been planned ahead and well. There are some moments that'd probably deserve more praise, if I could separate them from the rest.
The problem is that said "rest" is a bigger part and means that I still didn't care in the least about the characters and, if angering me isn't really the case anymore when I got to the third book, I'd rather say that it downright sickened me. Obviously, this starts from the focus on having children and their importance and that of the act of having them in the story, with "extra nausea" added by how much Roxana wants a "flock" and how she sees a child, so I return to the choice words for the one who recommended the series to me though she should have warned me away from it, knowing how I see this.
Then, if some would say that the above is strictly subjective, the magic system would still deserve many details but they're not offered, the love stories between the characters still come out of nowhere and leave me cold, everyone's fate is I'd say actually embarrassingly good, there are slips even in that action and those twists that I said are the good part, how what happens at the end actually happened isn't explained at all... And it's not just that somebody should fire the proofreader, but I'd be embarrassed even to post a random comment written like this, even if I'd be terribly sleepy for example, not to mention publish a book, and a second edition, with so many mistakes. Not that there wouldn't have been plenty before as well, but in the last chapter and the epilogue I tended to count a few on each page.