A review by overzealous_reader
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade


Minor Spoilers*

“No matter what LavineasOTP might argue, I firmly believe that you can’t call your fic a “slow burn” if they bang in the first chapter."

For Gates star Marcus Caster-Rupp, life is pretty great on the surface. However, Marcus begins to get frustrated as his showrunners begin to bastardize his character. To vent out his frustrations with the direction of the character, Marcus starts to write fan fiction. As he starts writing fan fiction, he seeks out a beta reader and begins a friendship with Unapologetic Lavinia Stan. 

Things I Liked: 

April's confidence with herself and not allowing people who do not bring her happiness a moment of her time or attention. Witnessing, with the help of April, Marcus shedding his carefully constructed persona of a bimbo. 

The growth of April's and Marcus's relationship was so cute. On Marcus's first date, he did not know how to approach April, struggling with showing his public persona or taking a chance and expressing himself. Upon realizing Marcus's hesitation, April shows genuine intrigue with his work as an actor and patience with his uncertainty; Marcus becomes instantly infatuated with April. 

Marcus's growth throughout the story is one of the strengths of this story. In the beginning, it seems as if Marcus isn't comfortable in his skin despite his attractive exterior. After writing fan fiction and meeting April, Marcus starts to understand himself better and realize that he has more to offer than just his pretty face. By April being patience with Marcus, Marcus begins to flourish in his relationship with her. 

Things I Didn't Like: 

The parents. Both of Marcus and April's parents are the worst. A majority of the issues these characters are struggling with root back to their parents. April's parents being obsessed with physical appearances and dislike their daughter being "fat." With Marcus, his parents refuse to acknowledge his struggles with dyslexia. This is one of the main issues both of these characters are trying to overcome throughout this story. 

In the end, the great thing about this story is the strengths of fandoms and the benefits people gain from writing fan fiction, from April gaining confidence in her cosplay and fan fiction writing and to Marcus writing fan fiction as a way of expressing himself.