A review by kateminasian
Kitty's Big Trouble by Carrie Vaughn


I got a copy of this book through Goodreads and have had a hard time writing a review. I really enjoy the Kitty books, but I think a lot of that is because I've read all of them, and am very familiar with the multitude of characters and plot twists.

Kitty's Big Trouble was lots of fun. It was very action-packed, and once it got going, it didn't stop. I enjoyed the inclusion of the more Asian mythology/religion aspects, because it was an interesting addition to the standard western mythology that so many urban fantasy books are based on. I like that Kitty always wants to learn and this means she keeps asking questions even if she isn't sure she'll get the answers. It's brains and brawn folks! Not that she's not good at fighting her way out of stuff, either.

One downer to me is Cormac and Ben. I'm kind of over them as characters. Ben seems so bland, and Cormac, while he was always a quiet character, has lost some of the tension I associated with him in the past. The whole being possessed by a 100 year old sorceress is strange, too, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that yet.

Overall, Kitty's Big Trouble isn't going to cause me to stop reading the series, but it wasn't a big improvement over the previous installments. I still like Kitty, so I'll stick with it!