A review by emlizzy
Hunger by Michael Grant


I LOVED this book --- and the rest of the series for that matter. Some of the other reviews I've read have commented that the storyline reminds them of Lord of the Flies - I would agree with that assessment. Some parts of this book and series were definitely mature and disturbing, but nothing that I don't think today's YA audience wouldn't be prepared for (in particular I'm thinking about some of the violence that the kids inflict on each other and some of the neglect that initially occurs).

Overall, the plot moved at an appropriate speed - quick enough to keep me engaged for hours on end. I read this book cover to cover in two or three sittings. The continued character development that followed through from Gone (book1) was great - everyone was flawed in some way, which felt very authentic to me. I also really enjoy stories that span a series of books. When I find a story and characters that I like, it's always fun being able to stay with them for a while.

In short, I highly recommend this book and series for teens and adults who enjoy YA fiction. I wish this kind of YA literature had been around when I was growing up!

My full review of the Gone series can be found here: http://cactuswrenreview.wordpress.com/2013/12/31/gone-series-by-michael-grant/