A review by mycatismybookmark
The Secret Language of Cats: How to Understand Your Cat for a Better, Happier Relationship by Susanne Schötz


"Every cat develops a systems-together with their humans, as well as possibly with cats they are close to-that allows them to communicate in a unique and special way."

Well researched and on-going in-depth study into understanding how domestic cats communicate with humans. The study "Melody in Human-Cat Communications" (Meowsic) explore various sounds, situations in which they occur, variation and personal experiences with the aid of video and audio recordings.

The Secret Language of Cats was a far more complex that I imagined when I selected it. While the academic approach with thorough examples and outline of the linguistics, phonetics, and animal behavior aspects of the study are appreciated, I found it quite cumbersome to read and digest so much information. I think going online to the research study's Meowsic site would be much more helpful to hear the sounds described rather than attempting to read the sounds.

A very interesting read, especially for any cat owner, but be prepared for a more scholarly read than easy non-fiction about our beloved domestic cats.