A review by readwatchcrochet
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus



“Rose before dawn every morning and felt certain of one thing. Her life was over”

“It is not your imagination, most people are awful”

📚 historical romance
📚 multi timeline
📚 multi POV

The first half of this book I really found it a chore to get through. Think my enjoyment was tarnish as I knew a large spoiler, and just wanted to get that over with so I could enjoy the book. 

“Boys protect girls because they’re bigger”
“But Madeline’s the tallest one in the class”
“And that’s another problem. Her height is making the boys feel bad”

Beyond that, although I’m sure the depictions of misogyny, abuse and limitations placed on women, I found it extremely frustrating to read about. Mainly because I usually read as a happy escape from reality. And this aspect, just wasn’t enjoyable for me to read. 

“Attack Zott’s self esteem…you’re just not smart enough”

Enjoyed the 6.30’s PoV as it was a cute perspective on the events of the humans. 

“How could he protect a creature if she was in a classroom?”

And it was sweet that although Calvin is fairly blind to the hurdles Elizabeth faces, he’s probably one of the only decent man in this story. 

“Failures by their nature had a way of being unforgettable”

Ironically, those who are meant to base their lives on honesty and charity, turn out to be the most corrupt and self centred. 

The double standards make me want to throw my phone across the room. 

“Support? But I’m a chemist…”
“No, you’re a lab tech. You’ve been out of the game for years now”

Glad she begins to learn how to deal with these boys in power. She came prepared. 

“We had chemistry”

⁉️ If you had to name your child straight after birth or right now,  based off how you’re feeling, what would they be called?

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