A review by justonemorechapter__
Killing Sarai by J.A. Redmerski



Ohh Victor.. you could point a gun to my head anytime. Wait I don't really... ahh yes, I do really meant that.

This book will make you FEEL! It won't be all good.. and your soul will hurt, your heart will ache, and your emotions will be all over the place. But it will be absolutely worth it. Trust me! I was disgusted, sad, and at times I was rooting for things that only a special kind of author could pull off. This book deals with some very disturbing situations.. situations that I should have been horrified by. Rape, enslavement, torture.. you get the point. Was I horrified? Absolutely! But by the end I was praying for a real Victor to show up in my life and swoop me away. I mean come on, that thought should be terrifying right?

Let's talk about Victor. He was fabulous. From the very start when he shot that guy in the head I thought to myself, "hey, I like this dude". Probably not what I should have been feeling but J.A knew just how to introduce him and develop his character, making him completely desirable even with all his undesirable qualities (killing for a living -- pfft no biggie).

And Sarai! I loved, loved her! She went through so much. She is obviously quite screwed up (I mean who wouldn't be) but she is still capable of love and compassion. I PRAY that Victor and her find a way to be together. I will be devastated if that doesn't happen.

My only negative comment? Well.. I really, really, really wanted that happy ending. I'm hoping that book 2 comes out ASAP and we see some more Victor and Sarai.. and dare I say it.. some gun action, with maybe a bullet wound or two.

All that rambling and the storyline probably still remains pretty unclear right? I was never very good at determining the fine line between information and spoiler so usually I just avoid it altogether. But take my excitement as a sign that yes you DEFINITELY need to read this!